Tuesday, June 17, 2008

KanYe West posts waaay too many bulletins on MySpace

Well, let's see. I'm wondering if I should start this party off with a survey to introduce myself before getting into anything heavy. Yeah, sounds like a good idea.

1) Raised in:
Born in Oshawa, Ontario; moved to VA when I was 3 y/o, been here ever since.

2) Your name:
Vanessa (middle name is Evan but you're only gonna know the last name if you're lucky)

3) Birth date:
15 Sept 1983

4) Siblings:
3 step siblings. Danny, Lauren and Evan.

5) Who is the oldest:
Danny (he's the team orthopedic surgeon for the TB Bucaneers :)

6) Hair color:
Brown and blonde

7) Hair length:
Mid neck length

8) First school:
ABC preschool I believe... with Aimee!! And Aaron Kerzaya-- I've known that mahfucka for EVER too!!!

9) Eye color:

10) Shoe size:
7 1/2

11) Mood:
Blunted (like, not "high" but... like, normal I guess-- IDK, IDK what "normal" feels like...)

12) Smell:

13) Height:

14) Lefty/Righty?


1) Do you remember your first real relationship?
Yes, was with Jordan from GWU. Hahaa... yeah...

2) Do you believe in love?
It depends. Lately not so much.

3) Shortest relationship?
Hmm... let's see, Jordan was 2 months... Dan was 2 months then 2 months then like a year... Joey was 2 months... Mariano was a year and a half... Jeremy was 3 months then 3 months then 3 months (see a pattern??)... so I guess 2 months.

4) Have you ever been heartbroken?
Yep. A lot recently, too.

5) Are you liking someone now?
Not anyone in particular, no. =/

6) Have you ever fallen for a friend?
Nope, surprisingly I've never really dated a "friend"... it's always been "omg that guys hot, introduce me, okay, lets fuck, oh shit, let's date"... *shrug*

7) Are you afraid of commitment?
I'm not sure honestly...

8) Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes. I remember seeing Jeremy for the first time back in like, March of 05... I thought he was absolutely stunningly gorgeous even though he was totally rude to me (he was in a relationship at the time)... I'd occasionally see him around town and call him my "earth sign buddy"....then a few months later I saw him at Cheeky Monkey (he was working) and I remember stating to Jaclyn on the way out that I thought he was the most GORGEOUS thing EVER and I wanted to have his babies... then in Dec of 06 he was back in town for good from Nashville and Joni introduced us again.... we hit it off and have been addicted to each other ever since despite breaking up and making up more times than I have fingers to count on.


1) Love or Money?
Money! It never let's me down. No wait... yeah it does. But shit, if I had money I'd jetset all over the world and find my "love" from sleeping with random guys.

2) Coffee or alcohol?

3) One night stands or relationships?
Depends... though I find I cannot do Fw/B or one nighters... too awkward.

4) Television or internet?

5) Pepsi or Coke?
No Coke, only Pepsi

6) Long night out or romantic night in?
Night in with lots of sex if I'm in a relationship, but long night out with girl and gay friends if I'm single.

7) Phone or in Person?
In person...


1) Have you ever been caught sneaking out?
Nope, never had to.

2) Have you ever skinny dipped?
YES!!! Once at a hotel in Arlington with 3 friends... we hopped the fence (that was above the ground like, by 5 feet on a platform that held the pool) at 11p when we were all tanked... then I went skinny dipping at James's house at like, 2a.... then I went skinny dipping at Matt Conde's, once again, late at night with like 15 people.

3) Have you ever done something you regret?
I am currently kicking myself for something I did back in March and April that hurt someone very close to me.

4) Have you ever been on a house boat?
WTF I wish!!! It'd be fucking BAD ASS to party on one of those!!!!

5) Have you ever finished an entire jawbreaker?
Not one of those huge ones, no.

6) Have you ever colored your hair?
ALL THE TIME. I used to switch it up every2-3 months and change its colour or style... but I've been with the same dark brown all over and blonde huge ass panel on the left side for about 5 months now.

7) Have you ever been streaking?
Surprisingly no, though I am told I was screaming about going streaking on my 21st birthday outside of O'Meara's....


1) Are you missing someone right now?
Yes =/

2) Are you talking to someone right now?
Just BJ via texts about next week's trivia theme

3) Are you German?
Is Queen Elizabeth English?? Chyeah!

4) Are you Italian?
Yep-- my Mom's Grandmother's Dad was 100% Italian from Abruzzi, Italy.

5) Are you French?
Actually, no.

6) Are you Mexican?
ROFL, no, but I've done one. Ha HA


1) Do you get depressed about things easily?
God yes, I'm literally bipolar, diagnosed and on meds and all... so I get depressed quite often.

Where is Number 2? ????

3) Are you scared of growing old alone?
YES!!!! ESPECIALLY cos EVERYONE from HS is married and/or with child and I can't hold a fucking steady boyfriend for more than 2 months!!!

4) What do you want to be when you grow up?
A wedding planner

5) Favorite season?

6) Are you a vegetarian?
I tried it but yeah... I mean a mean vegan pizza but otherwise, no, I like meat =/

Well, I suppose that about does it for the first post. This blog, unfortunately, is going to be like nothing but a spew of hatred and things that annoy me and will provide numerous reasons for why people suck. Haha... no, but seriously... I'll try to do creative shit and blog about my bipolarism too... yay.

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