Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sooo.... I'm a Republican.

So, if you're a conservative like me, go and order this shirt. Everyone is so pro-Obama these days but what they DON'T realise is that they're being led like sheep. It's "cool" to like Obama. What most of you don't realise is that he will lead this country to it's demise. From being an adamant supporter of abortion in all forms, to having several very bigoted and racist friends, Obama will ultimately allow everyone to subside to their own stupidity, debauchery and sin.

For instance, he is going to eliminate the penalties for selling or possessing cocaine and crack-cocaine, or at least the differences. This is a man who will, probably, legalise drugs. Now ask yourselves, do we really need more idiots running around, coked out of their minds?? Getting into accidents and killing good, well-to-do people?

On a different note, he's going to strengthen penalties for hate crimes. Okay, so having an idea about a people and acting on it is unacceptable, but dealing and using crack-cocaine is okay??? I think they're BOTH unacceptable and BOTH should carry strict penalties. His criminal rehab programs?? Are you kidding? Where is he going to get the money and man power to fund these programs?? No matter WHAT counseling a criminal receives while in jail, he will ALWAYS go back to that way of life. A shit leopard NEVER changes its spots. Let me ask you, do you want a bunch of coke-head murders, drug dealers and child molesters running rampant on the streets and receiving out-patient "treatment" and very light sentencing penalties?? If you do, then by all means, vote for Obama.

His little "zero-to-five" plan to educate and integrate children into good schools by placing children zero-to-five in day care education facilities? Remember, he wants to get ex-cons into job placement programs... be careful, America... this man may be blindly placing several sex offenders into education jobs in order to "rehabilitate" them and help their "transition back into society." Plus, doesn't education begin at home? The problem with America today is that too many parents DON'T CARE about their children and are TOO BUSY to care!! Therefore they place their children in the hands of others, who end up molesting them, abusing them or mistreating them. So, if you don't care about your kids, vote for Obama!!!

His plan to reduce tax filing time to next to nothing will put many trained professionals out of jobs. Plus, this system has been working for how many years now?? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. He plans on eliminating taxes all together for millions of Americans. Okay, so how is he going to fund all of his plans?? This doesn't bode well... he plans to use federal funding to support the job market... how the hell is that going to work if he's cutting taxes for the middle class? What does he think he's gonna do, tax the hell out of the rich?? I'm all for the rich paying a shitton of taxes, but come on.... get real, Obama.

He's a HUGE supporter of abortion, in all forms, especially partial birth abortion. In case you don't know what that is... here's two graphics that explain it.

But, mind you, he wants to institute more access to birth control in all forms. Which means it will be easy for people as young as 13 to get birth control, and thus have sex with whoever (even those dirty old men / ex-cons who will probably be hired as janitors in their middle schools), whenever, with little to no knowledge had by the parents. Oh but the parents are essentially being cut out of their children's lives... remember, day care will now offer education plans and hire convicted offenders.

However, his views on abortion and birth control seem to clash with his plan to make child support more easy to beget. This is funny, because with all of this free access to child planning and abortion, more women will put themselves at risk for having unwanted babies, and seeing as how he's not too much of a godly man (afterall, he is in favour of killing unwanted children as pictured in that horrible picture posted above), this is gonna be tough. So let's see... hate crimes are wack, abortion is cool, doing crack is cool, hiring ex-offenders is cool... okay, take from the rich and give to the poor-- that's what he's going to ultimately do seeing as how he's cutting taxes for the middle class.

So, ultimately, Barack Hussein Obama is a Communist. He believes in equal rights for everyone and is willing to make everyone and everything even-- finance wise, penalty wise, job wise.

Main Entry:
com·mu·nism Listen to the pronunciation of communism
\ˈkäm-yə-ˌni-zəm, -yü-\
French communisme, from commun common
1 a: a theory advocating elimination of private property b: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed2capitalized a: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics b: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production c: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d: communist systems collectively

Five Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama

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